Statistics generated on Friday 3 January 2025 - 1:41:21
During this 53-day reporting period, a total of 6832 different nicks were represented on #kampung.
29793 |
35369 |
31980 |
35390 |
29487 |
29901 |
32293 |
33842 |
36589 |
33639 |
30516 |
33497 |
29338 |
28508 |
25762 |
28214 |
25901 |
31542 |
30977 |
30968 |
31275 |
29152 |
32641 |
36361 |
34809 |
30648 |
32251 |
28413 |
32580 |
32650 |
7232 |
30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
5.6% |
4.5% |
3.4% |
2.2% |
1.4% |
1.3% |
1.8% |
2.9% |
4.0% |
4.6% |
4.8% |
5.0% |
4.7% |
4.5% |
5.3% |
5.7% |
5.2% |
5.1% |
4.0% |
2.6% |
3.9% |
5.1% |
5.6% |
6.0% |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
Nick | Number of lines | When? | Number of Words | Last seen | Random quote | |
1 | ipun | 54145 | 191682 | today | "Kadang baca komen2 netizen ni macam la mereka terpaling bersih" | |
2 | cyber9__ | 25305 | 83893 | today | "Insan brjaga malam idak lapo ke" | |
3 | SkullHead | 19399 | 61167 | today | "LemonSlayer: budak tantrum" | |
4 | Shana | 22957 | 60821 | today | "Eksersaiz nak tido tu insan" | |
5 | Suicidal_girl | 12583 | 53955 | today | "Akmal tu beli konfiden kat mana" | |
6 | nuR | 14938 | 53857 | today | "Cy soalan sya d biarkan tergantung sobbb🙁" | |
7 | Tigreal_m | 13461 | 50837 | 19 days ago | "Kannn MrKopiko naiya pak karim" | |
8 | nEmO | 13460 | 46092 | today | "Dlu nemo study sana nianna UKM" | |
9 | su | 12869 | 43791 | yesterday | "x sangka nk tinggalkan kita" | |
10 | Muhdchan | 9130 | 42210 | 29 days ago | "RozieAnne: ouhhh...u demam ingt cedera dgn siape2 ka😆" | |
11 | annabelle | 9556 | 39098 | 9 days ago | "tapi pisang tak feel lah kak malam2 macam ni" | |
12 | Morgana | 10271 | 37303 | 11 days ago | "`semut_tumes: nk temani hidup mut je.." | |
13 | Shanks | 7590 | 35711 | today | "this ship is taking me far away." | |
14 | ann84 | 11337 | 33758 | 5 days ago | "Elehhh atok_sweet cam tak penah pm" | |
15 | Fiqa | 10771 | 33448 | today | "Nak tengok rumah sepupu ke" | |
16 | AciD | 7977 | 32937 | today | "Lama betui tak nampak felood bah" | |
17 | BdkNakaL | 11350 | 32679 | yesterday | "2 pilihan dia kwn ko skincare" | |
18 | Nianna | 7445 | 28336 | today | "dani: love Shana dani nye keje ni" | |
19 | katnis | 6999 | 28203 | yesterday | "nnt kena banned sy biau je" | |
20 | dani | 11179 | 26192 | today | "Hahahhahahahhahahahhahahaa" | |
21 | Kyoto | 6031 | 24824 | 5 days ago | "sebelum dia ejek lagi teruk" | |
22 | mbot | 2376 | 24200 | 25 days ago | "And peace be with you too - Koffee_With_Sarah" | |
23 | Ding | 5897 | 23854 | yesterday | "Marqeen nak paw ni sabar jap" | |
24 | F34 | 5310 | 21196 | 18 days ago | "Muntah balik char kuew tiaw" | |
25 | Luke | 4560 | 20403 | 10 days ago | "Record org tengok dorg jalan" | |
26 | judin | 4274 | 19842 | today | "Waalaikumusalam Warahmatullah Hiwabarokatu fia" | |
27 | Qeyra | 6459 | 18859 | yesterday | "Take break jap..ngntok gila ni" | |
28 | atok_sweet | 2736 | 18201 | 2 days ago | "Ye betul tu aygi lah rentua" | |
29 | DeadMan | 4378 | 17720 | 6 days ago | "Akak pontianak mari cni borak" | |
30 | Senpai | 4961 | 17490 | 2 days ago | "korang berdoa nnt yg menentukan biarlah ayat2 mencucuk korang je" | |
31 | Melissa | 5369 | 17167 | yesterday | "Hidup xnyysahkan org xleh ke gagak" | |
32 | yatt | 4186 | 16945 | yesterday | "HarisRunSgd: haris yg xde sye ade je" | |
33 | KoDoKz | 4592 | 16506 | yesterday | "Ellyn tgk tgk su tu...mula dahhhh" | |
34 | Del | 4663 | 16037 | 3 days ago | "taip gini pn bole katnis +v del" | |
35 | de_neiro40 | 2263 | 15735 | 10 days ago | "aa...tau2 ucop...pernah singgah kdai tu" | |
36 | raya123 | 4011 | 15148 | yesterday | "haah cyber bz ada keje sikit" | |
37 | HarisRunSgd | 4380 | 15021 | yesterday | "Wah bukan main short ye cha" | |
38 | Insan_Sepi | 4395 | 14684 | today | "Tpi sure msti koleksi lagu omputih je kan?" | |
39 | BaByMeRz | 1595 | 14538 | today | "����� WaaLaikumussaLam �����" | |
40 | jojo92 | 3892 | 14523 | yesterday | "Kebanyakan yang Jo beli manis2 tawar" | |
41 | jai | 5534 | 13858 | today | "betul2 dia pm si leekuahsop tu" | |
42 | Noratilia_ | 4651 | 13776 | 14 days ago | "Tajuk apa tu PontianakCute" | |
43 | Cahaya | 3829 | 13274 | yesterday | "Patutlah ding jadi bangla utk Suicidal_girl rupanya" | |
44 | Marqeen | 2905 | 13171 | today | "dah jadi wakdoyok ya Suicidal_girl." | |
45 | Hananum_ | 2206 | 13082 | today | "Ok Do||oN nnt sy mai tny lg ye" | |
46 | garlic | 2654 | 12913 | 4 days ago | "Doh tu nok jadi jate ke tino nim." | |
47 | Musk | 3167 | 12907 | yesterday | "Bendangman best lg tak nur" | |
48 | mayat^hidup | 1088 | 12489 | 31 days ago | "ACTION Jln2 Sambil Usha2 Keliling malefakbuddyKL" | |
49 | justinbibir | 3571 | 11953 | 21 days ago | "Mkn ape tgharini BidadariSorga" | |
50 | _Neo_ | 3525 | 11895 | 2 days ago | "saja je bagi topic gado see wall meriah" |
Psycho (11892) | `semut_tumes (11773) | Naomey (11676) | med (11581) | nazirasofea (11494) |
Radiohead (11465) | Platinum (11267) | anafaza (10471) | miera (10419) | skincare (10342) |
mikaeL (10314) | PeNDiTa_Gila (10084) | Gana (9874) | Fae23 (9642) | fir (9608) |
cyber9 (9604) | Anya (9404) | RozieAnne (9331) | cindebella (9139) | Ys (8799) |
harrys_A (8490) | milady (8483) | Roy (8229) | epinephrine (8196) | Yasmingg (8098) |
0-5 | 6-11 | 12-17 | 18-23 | |
1 | Shana - 5362 | ipun - 20485 | ipun - 16323 | ipun - 15180 |
2 | cyber9__ - 4370 | Shana - 6249 | BdkNakaL - 7936 | cyber9__ - 10649 |
3 | dani - 3982 | nEmO - 6192 | cyber9__ - 7839 | SkullHead - 6809 |
4 | Insan_Sepi - 3811 | SkullHead - 5419 | nEmO - 5749 | Shana - 5735 |
5 | Suicidal_girl - 3665 | Tigreal_m - 4820 | Shana - 5611 | nuR - 5670 |
6 | Qeyra - 3321 | su - 4339 | dani - 5359 | Tigreal_m - 3787 |
7 | nuR - 3228 | ann84 - 3991 | SkullHead - 5157 | annabelle - 3348 |
8 | BdkNakaL - 2703 | Muhdchan - 3398 | Tigreal_m - 4685 | Suicidal_girl - 2956 |
9 | Luke - 2685 | Fiqa - 3282 | Muhdchan - 4462 | Melissa - 2934 |
10 | ipun - 2157 | Morgana - 2924 | Morgana - 4285 | ann84 - 2930 |
11 | DeadMan - 2150 | AciD - 2874 | Fiqa - 4228 | Fiqa - 2927 |
12 | su - 2149 | cyber9__ - 2447 | nuR - 4225 | su - 2657 |
13 | SkullHead - 2014 | Shanks - 2259 | Suicidal_girl - 4200 | Nianna - 2633 |
14 | HarisRunSgd - 1821 | Nianna - 2208 | su - 3724 | Ding - 2625 |
15 | Senpai - 1662 | Kyoto - 2116 | katnis - 3589 | Morgana - 2491 |
16 | milady - 1633 | katnis - 2051 | annabelle - 3399 | Cahaya - 2481 |
17 | `semut_tumes - 1536 | annabelle - 1879 | ann84 - 3354 | AciD - 2282 |
18 | KoDoKz - 1511 | nuR - 1815 | Shanks - 3002 | jai - 2276 |
19 | jai - 1450 | Suicidal_girl - 1762 | AciD - 2093 | F34 - 2195 |
20 | Nianna - 1173 | yatt - 1630 | Noratilia_ - 2082 | Platinum - 2151 |
21 | nazirasofea - 1141 | justinbibir - 1614 | Del - 1982 | Shanks - 2038 |
22 | cyber9 - 1071 | F34 - 1353 | Ding - 1963 | raya123 - 1814 |
23 | ann84 - 1062 | miera - 1260 | _Neo_ - 1888 | dani - 1790 |
24 | med - 997 | Naomey - 1246 | jai - 1796 | Noratilia_ - 1521 |
25 | Melissa - 965 | jojo92 - 1199 | Kyoto - 1746 | Del - 1484 |
Is Morgana stupid or just asking too many questions? 16.7% lines contained a question!
annabelle didn't know that much either. 12.5% of his/her lines were questions. |
The loudest one was Insan_Sepi, who yelled 23.8% of the time!
Another old yeller was su, who shouted 9.9% of the time! |
It seems that DeadMan's shift-key is hanging: 1.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <DeadMan> =L KoDoKz just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 0.3% of the time. |
Shana is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 141 times. For example, like this: * Shana slaps angah around a bit with a large pollock Del can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 42 times. |
Poor Shanks, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 25 times. For example, like this: * Marqeen slaps Shanks ... guaner ? nuR seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 24 times. |
Marqeen brings happiness to the world. 4.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Kyoto isn't a sad person either, smiling 0.2% of the time. |
Morgana seems to be sad at the moment: 2.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
SkullHead is also a sad person, crying 0.6% of the time. |
mayat^hidup wrote the longest lines, averaging 175.5 letters per line. #kampung average was 21.0 letters per line. |
jai wrote the shortest lines, averaging 12.3 characters per line. Shana was tight-lipped, too, averaging 13.5 characters. |
ipun spoke a total of 191682 words!
ipun's faithful follower, cyber9__, didn't speak so much: 83893 words. |
mayat^hidup wrote an average of 11.48 words per line.
Channel average was 3.66 words per line. |
Word | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | ACTION | 13209 | Insan_Sepi |
2 | Hahaha | 8927 | nEmO |
3 | ����� | 5086 | PeNDiTa_Gila |
4 | semua | 4654 | ipun |
5 | kalau | 4569 | dryaya |
Nick | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | ke | 32522 | nEmO |
2 | ipun | 15166 | nEmO |
3 | Aku | 13844 | Aizudin |
URL | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | | 92 | katnis |
2 | | 28 | Fae34 |
3 | | 27 | ipun |
4 | | 18 | ipun |
5 | | 10 | webuser_7 |
DeadMan wasn't very popular, getting kicked 19 times! For example, like this: *** DeadMan was kicked by Shanks (rest dulu. ) ipun seemed to be hated too: 7 kicks were received. |
Kyoto is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 1321 people!
Kyoto's faithful follower, mayat^hidup, kicked about 921 people. |
judin donated 2 ops in the channel...
Kyoto was also very polite: 2 ops from him/her. |
Del is the channel sheriff with 3 deops.
Kyoto deoped 2 users. |
Strange, no halfop was given on #kampung! |
Wow, no halfop was taken on #kampung! |
ipun donated 4472 voices in the channel...
Shanks was also very polite: 342 voices from him/her. |
ipun likes taking voice from people, 228 devoices.
mayat^hidup was close to the same, devoiced 76 users. |
su always lets us know what he/she's doing: 897 actions! For example, like this: * su angguk2 Also, Shana tells us what's up with 813 actions. |
ipun talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 123 times!
Another lonely one was Shana, who managed to hit 38 times. |
nEmO couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 225 joins during this reporting period! |
judin has quite a potty mouth. 0.0% words were foul language.
SkullHead also makes sailors blush, 0.0% of the time. |
-= Selamat Datang ke #kampung. Terima kasih kerana masih setia bersama kami di Kampungchat Network. Layari web rasmi KC di =- | 5 days ago at 09:30 by KampungChat |
Welcome to #kampung. Visit official website : . | 7 days ago at 07:38 by KampungChat |
The topic was set 2 times. |